Ownership with a Price

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Ownership with a Price

Ms. Deepika Lal

The present day scenario has forced man to pause and re-think seriously. To re-think over the free gift of Mother Nature. Man, the crown of creation has tried to rule and overrule his co-inhabitants. He has ignored the fact that we co-exist. His self was on the pedestal, his slogan “Who cares?” Mutual sharing can be extremely beneficial, whether in a family, community, a nation or the globe. The impact of mutual respect for one another in our limited confines is evident all over the earth. But where are the sharers and respecters today? We want to treat the atmosphere and Biodiversity as we like. Polluting the air, soil and water is a common chore, destroying trees for our benefit and comfort is a hobby that’s pushing wildlife onto the roads. Polluted and limited water sources are making the birds and animals to die miserably. And the biggest threat to this planet earth is our ‘Indifference’! We’re sleeping the sleep of death, not wanting to face the fact that if it goes on like this, very soon our next generation will be struggling to breathe, eat and drink, whether there’s a deadly pandemic around or not! A non-doer is always a burden on this earth but worse is having the dual character of a non-doer as well as a non-encourager. And we have a large group of such spectators of the Theatre of Nature, who do nothing themselves and discourage other unwary folks too. This attitude has harmed and will continue to harm the beautiful earth that God has gifted to humanity. The owners of the earth need to own the nature, but it comes with a price! The earth is a big field to be cultivated and cared for. The Creator is neither cruel nor unwise, for ultimately we will be the beneficiaries and partakers of the harvest! The Holy Bible declares clearly that the workman is worthy of his reward (as in Mathew 10:10). What a beautiful thought! Let’s have the large heart of the watchful Creator of this universe. Our hearts are shrunken, having little capacity to love outside of us and ours. It’s always ‘my cat,’ ‘my dog’ and ‘my parrot.’ Their self-centeredness can be seen in our words, “I’ll tend my aquarium, let the lakes choke to death.” When we start feeling that wildlife is a threat to us, definitely there‘s this sobering thought lurking behind this, that it was us who first started eliminating them and then their natural habitat, creating havoc in nature and destroying the ecosystem. And all this to expand and show off our material prosperity. Why shouldn’t bears and tigers be seen roaming on the roads with their cubs? It’s bound to be a common sight. They were meant to live comfortably in forests which are vanishing fast. You may feel they’re a threat, but it was us who attacked them and invaded their dwelling. We forgot to co-exist peacefully! Elimination will definitely create resistance in any species and it can be in the form of mutations which could make them increasingly more resistant. Our lifestyle needs to change, nothing else! Friends, when you choose to disturb the Biodiversity you choose to face disastrous consequences. Our actions and reactions accelerate mutations and expose us to increasing dangers. All is not lost though. It just needs reflection upon our foolishness, appreciation for the beautiful nature and simplifying our lifestyle. Let’s be kind, not only to our own family, pets and domestic animals, but to the other creatures around us. Even domestic animals are subject to abuse and ill treatment. Oh! If we would only feel the agony of these voiceless beasts of burden. We’ve failed to feel! The leader of the ancient land of Israel, Moses gave this instruction in his book called Deuteronomy in Chapter 25 and verse 4, ‘Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the grain.’ Isn’t that being kind? Isn’t that showing mutual respect? We need to change and change in a hurry. God cares for His creation. The Holy Bible instructs as follows: ‘If a man dig a pit…and an ox or an ass falls in it, the owner of the pit shall make it good…’(as in Exodus 21:33-34). And ‘If thou meet thine enemy’s ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again’ (as in Exodus 23:4). Let’s understand God’s heart. We are the present owners of the planet earth. But it comes with a price. Are we willing to pay?